Exploring the Power of Technology in the Institutionalization of Health Information Systems: An Actor-Network Analysis of Information Systems Integration


  • Yahya Hamad Sheikh The State University of Zanzibar
  • Edwin Nyella




Background and Purpose: Information systems (IS) integration is a complicated exercise. This paper discusses the process of IS integration for a healthcare sector in a resource constrained context. In recognition of power play between the different actors involved, the paper underscores the complexity related to coordination of organisational routines in order to achieve the goals of HIS integration. In particular, the paper tends to explore how artefacts (software and regulations) can be used to facilitate this coordination.

Methods: The study employed actor network theory concepts of inscription and alignment to guide the data collection and analysis. Data collection methods include participant observation documents reviews, and interviews both formal and informal discussions.

Results: The study reports the implementations of an action research project in Tanzania, where three case studies were presented comparing how different technologies in line with right regulations, is highlighted. The article describes HIS integration as a combinatory actor network building process that needs to consider the nature of the technological artifact, and the manner in which it is implemented, coupled with the policy and guidelines which inscribe and prescribe the use of the system.

Conclusions: The article reveals that success of the network building process (the HIS integration process) in the backdrop of myriads of heterogeneous actors with multiplicity of interests can be achieved by a combination of interventions where the agenda is inscribed in a technological artefact, well supported by policy guidelines in place.


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Comment citer

Exploring the Power of Technology in the Institutionalization of Health Information Systems: An Actor-Network Analysis of Information Systems Integration. (2018). Journal of Health Informatics in Africa, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.12856/JHIA-2017-v4-i2-128